GeekHack Artwork Resources

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Here are a few files that have been created by various users.

'Retro' GeekHack logo 1

This logo was originally created by user aggiejy (correct if wrong) who supplied Krogenar with the keycap images, and the font file necessary. The font used is called 'Special Elite' (upload when able).

- GH logo plain on white. - GH logo plain on white w/.org - GH logo plain on white w/.org and tagline - GH logo plain on white w/tagline

- GH logo plain on black. - GH logo plain on black w/.org - GH logo plain on black w/.org and tagline - GH logo plain on black w/tagline

- GH logo plain on orange. - GH logo plain on orange w/.org - GH logo plain on orange w/.org and tagline - GH logo plain on orange w/tagline

'Retro GeekHack logo 2 on keycap background w/ variations on keycap opacity. This logo was created by Krogenar for use on a banner.

      • I will upload these files soon. -K.