MediaWiki talk:Aboutpage

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User News tweetmeme_style = 'compact'; var dlcieious = { customText : ' ' , pageId : '1' } if (typeof Meebo == 'undefined') { Meebo=function(){(Meebo._=Meebo._||[]).push(arguments)}; (function(q){ var args = arguments; if (!document.body) { return setTimeout(function(){ args.callee.apply(this, args) }, 100); } var d=document, b=d.body, m=b.insertBefore(d.createElement('div'), b.firstChild); s=d.createElement('script');'meebo';'none'; m.innerHTML=; s.src='http'+(q.https?'s':)+'://'+(q.stage?'stage-':)+''; b.insertBefore(s, b.firstChild); })({network:'tripwiremagazine_fu72bi'}); }8 Free Web Based Image Editors


Not sure if I know you. Sounds like you may have the layer mask selected iseantd of the image. Bring up the layers dialogue (Ctrl / Option plus the L key). You'll see your layer has a small colour thumbnail (the image) and a black and white thumnail (the layer mask) at the end. Try clicking on the colour one and see if that helps.