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One of the problems with using a tag cloud as a nagntavioial device is that they really only work for sites with rapidly changing, dynamic content. For a blog, or for a content-driven site like , a tag cloud provides a Gestalt for the entirety of the content.If the content is relatively static, however like the site in question a dynamic nagntavioial device requires the user to hit a moving target. A single Digg article could radically skew the nagntavioial device, for example, putting some small piece of trivia front and center (and overshadowing the actual meat and potatoes of the site). The user has to come up with a mental model of the site which accounts for all the other users' actions as well. That's putting distance between the user and her goal, especially if her goal isn't what most users do.One trick I've seen in a few blogs (mostly Typo based) is to have the categories menu be a horizontally-oriented bar graph, based on post volume. For static sites, however, I think the best way to highlight popular content is inside the content itself: the front page.